Linux Shell and Bash

ls is used to list the directories in a folder (it is used to list all folders and files under the current directory). cd is used to change directories/navigate through directories. clear is used to clear the terminal and may be used for organization’s sake. rm is used to delete files or folders in a directory. echo is used to print to the terminal. if…then statements are essentially if…else statements where some action is run when a condition is fulfilled. export is used to define variables in the format export variable_name=value.

One can verify if a tool is installed by checking the version in the cli. For example, to check if VSCode is installed we can run code –version. If we want to check if python is installed we can run python –version or python3 –version. WSL can be checked by wsl –list. Additionally, we can just check if they are installed through the GUI, such as through going to programs and features in Control Panel.

You can update a git repository by using the Source Control tab in VSCode. First you would make a change in your cloned repository. Then you would write a commit message and hit Commit, if a popup appears that asks if you want to stage your changes you click yes. After this you can run Sync Changes and the repository should be updated. Alternatively you could do this through the cli by first making an edit. Then you would run “git add .” or you could run “git add filename” to specify staging just one file. After that you run “git commit -m ‘commit message’” to commit, and then run “git push orgin ‘branch name’”.