Tools and Equipment

I love my tools because they streamline performance and they make debugging and coding more efficient and more enjoyable. Because of my tools I can persevere and dedicate myself to the creative and thought-provoking problems in code rather than having to deal with errors and slow performance. My tools allow me to be distinct from just another AI and allow me to distinguish myself to impress those around me. Additionally, the intuitive interfaces and easy customizability make VSCode especially easy to use and assist in my coding. The thousands of user-made extensions also help my debugging coding process.

VSCode, GitHub Pages Setup

wsl is used to launch and interact with Windows Subsystem for Linux. cd stands for “change directiory” and is used to change the current working file path. git is used to track changes in code and communicate with Github servers. apt allows users to configure programs on their systems (installation, upadte, remove, etc.). ls is short for list, and it just lists all the folders and files in the current directory and is used to help navigate to the correct folder/file. mkdir stands for make directory and it allows you to create folders from the command line. echo is used to print statements in the terminal.

My files are located under \wsl.localhost\Ubuntu\home\username\vscode, or in the vscode folder in my wsl environment. I can get there by opening file explorer and navigating under the Linux location, or I can open wsl and cd into the directory using ls to guide me. These files are located in my Github repo, which I can navigate to by going to I can update my forked repository by syncing it in or I could run git fetch upstream and then merge the changes.

The localhost URL is viewable for my computer and updates much faster than Github Pages, as opposed to the Github Pages URL which can be seen by other computers but updates slower because it has to build each time there is a new commit.

In order to change my repository’s address, I need to set up AWS and go to Route 53, where I need to create a record and input my name under the record name and the URL to Github. After that, I need to copy the newly generated link into the Github pages custom domain input box and change the branch to main. Then I need to clear the baseurl in config.yml.